Startup Status

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Startup Status Our path, in anticipated chronological order, is set by our mission. We build schools in developing regions and teach innovation education to create opportunities for local staff, students and their families. Development will not be completely linear and tasks could proceed in parallel with more resources. Our foundational work as a volunteer group matured to the point where public outreach was the next step. With limited time and personal resources we are near the limit of what we can achieve. So to build our schools we are reaching out with this site, media offerings and more. 

  • Local Volunteer Organization (complete): Our core team and a number of online volunteers are moving SRG forward. Due to local health unit ordinances local volunteer recruitment in Ottawa, ON, Canada has stopped.
  • Phase I Relocation (complete): Nora M. Mendez, one of our core team, is currently in the Philippines preparing for local operations. She is scouting campus sites, overseeing renovations and building a nursery / seed bank for the experimental farm.
  • Local First Principles (version complete): This fundamental SRG policy was developed early on to address issues of global operations, local economic development, adoption of social business principles, economic network structures for SMART and more.
  • Basecamp Modular Design (version complete): Our prototype campus design is modular, adaptable to a variety of sites in tropical and subtropical climates. Until we select a site and hire a local architect the design work cannot significantly advance. At that time we will use our various modules to create an overall design adapted to the property.
  • General Curriculum Development (version complete): SMART is a project driven innovation education program designed to evolve with the campus, our students, academic partnerships and external trends. We continue to collect and develop resources for focus fields, ESL and student projects but the general framework is viable.
  • Focus Projects (ongoing): Our program will eventually encompass a wider range of fields, however we are focusing on space science and food systems to start. Ours is an interdisciplinary approach as so our students do not study in ‘silos’ but the initial foci are quite specific.
  • Homeoffice Renovation (ongoing): We are renovating our existing property in the Philippines to reinforce the structure, modernize utilities and add an office area. Adding extra refrigeration and specific facilities to expand our seed bank and plant nursery is also planned when budget permits.
  • Vlog Beta (ongoing): Launching the vlog is our first major public outreach effort. We talk science on camera, then help people in need by building schools.

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