Online Operations

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Online Operations We are confident that our designs and strategies are sound. This web site and our media content is our first major public outreach effort. Revenue from our online operations has the near term potential to support our next stages of development. Building basecamp, our prototype campus, is achievable and sustainable on the income of a small online media operation (YouTube, Facebook, affiliate programs, subscriptions, etc.). This is possible because our three founders: Nora M. Mendez, Christopher J. Kent and Richard W. Blum are willing to relocate to the Philippines and accept significant reductions in salary. Our efficient modular design and lean, vertically integrated, concept also makes this possible.

  • Champions’ Club Server (ongoing): Developing the bots, configuration and most importantly the community of the server runs parallel to building the Champions’ Club and a key revenue stream online.
  • Multiplatform Vlog Content: Hosting our vlog content on multiple platforms is essential to audience reach and the social impact that allows. We are producing video that can be divided into clips and distributed as audio only podcast. The workflow of editing, uploading and quality control will be a focus at this stage.
  • Development Wiki Updates: We have years of notes and only the best of them will make it to the wiki due to a lack of time. We will publish a limited selection of resources – updating this site and the wiki as we develop volg episodes.
  • Volunteer NPO (MSS) Formation: Starting a nonprofit for our volunteer operations in Canada has significant advantages over our current operations as a social business. The operational costs, compliance requirements, etc. will be justified at modest levels of online income and volunteer interest. The primary factor is balancing time spent properly administering an NPO and actually fulfilling our mission. This cannot be achieved with an entirely volunteer staff and this marks the point when one or more of our founders needs to be formally employed at SRG.
  • STEAM & Citizen Science Partnerships: Online operations allow us to partner worldwide with a wide range of STEM, STEAM, academic and social impact organizations. We are also interested in promoting citizen science programs.
  • Curriculum Development – Freshman Focused ESL: The first students on campus, like all of our first years (freshman year students), will focus on core skills. Specifically English as Second Language and learning the vocabulary for our focus fields and their anticipated specialty (chosen in their sophomore year).
  • Curriculum Development – Student Projects: Aside from a series of projects that directly apply to this development roadmap, the Champions’ Club, social media, educational partners and the public will be regularly asked to contribute project ideas.

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