Site Resources
We need your support. Please click here to join our Champions’ Club.
Contact Us: Please, get to know us!
Key Site Map: An alphabetical link list of all pages on this site.
- About SRG
- Champions’ Club Benefits
- Development Roadmap
- Episode Guide
- Impact
- Mars Space Service
- Online Curriculum
- SMART Schools
- The Ramanujan Effect
- The STEAM Council
SMART School Information:
Deck: Click here to download the PDF of our SMART School slide deck.
Gallery: Click here to view the Campus Design Image Gallery.
Local First Principles: Click here to read how we put people in need first.
Roadmap: Click here for our roadmap from online operations to the prototype campus and how we scale beyond.
Our Focus Projects: Food, and everything related to it, is where our civilization needs every innovation possible. Space is where innovations now considered impossible will come from. Advances in one will seed developments in the other. In our focused, interdisciplinary program students study both.
- Mars Deca Direct – our mission planning the settlement of Mars!
- Foodplus – our food science project to feed the world, local farm to local table.
Hybrid Resource Based Economy: An H-BRE is a resource based economy working in parallel to stabilize our current chaotic, highly cyclical system. Locally, every property like ours helps to shield the local economy from destructive boom-bust economics. With food, shelter and education insulated from economic catastrophe communities can better withstand crisis. Globally a network of our schools and satellite properties can extend and enhance the economic shield effect. We are a part of this infrastructure evolution.
Development Wiki: SRG is committed to transparent, open source resources for everyone.
Click here to enter our development wiki and feel free to share your ideas!
Contact Us: Please, get to know us!